Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Teaming Up to Get Out the Vote

Posted on behalf of Michael Apodaca, Texas Deputy Field Director of OFA

As I mentioned we did a great job last week and this week needs to be even better. This Saturday October 2nd, we are teaming up with the Bill White Campaign to blockwalk and phonebank to our first time voters. Also, the Bill White campaign invited State Rep. Joaquin Castro to fire us up that morning. Come join Bill White volunteers to unite and reach out to first time voters.

We will start at 10am sharp at their headquarters at 3003 Broadway (on the Corner of Mulberry and Broadway). Our goal will be to spread out to other additional precincts for both Bill White and Ciro Rodriguez. When you come to the office, look for the OFA sign up table, get fired up by Rep. Castro, eat a breakfast burrito, and talk to voters (and if you don't want to blockwalk, I will have tons of phones with me to call voters). Also, come back for some food provided by Me!
Sign up at:

We almost hit 1,000 calls on Saturday alone (we missed it by 50), so this week, please join us!.

Finally, please circle October 10th in your calender (Date Change). We will have our GOTV (Get out the Vote) Planning, Phonebank and Party starting at 3pm. We will go over our plans, ask questions, learn how to talk to voters, and come together and have fun! Also bring a dish to share with others cause it a pot luck! RSVP today at:

Michael Apodaca
Texas Deputy Field Director
Organizing for America

1 comment:

  1. There is also block walking for Congressman Ciro Rodríguez this Saturday, October 2nd, at 8:30 a.m. Ciro's HQ - 246 W. Harding Blvd. Ciro's opponent is a banker who favors privatizing Social Security and tax breaks for companies that outsource our jobs, and Ciro is a special target of the Republican/Tea Party. He needs our help!
