Thursday, June 11, 2009

May 17 - Energy Blast

A spirited discussion about our own Representative Charlie Gonzalez and his role in the developing energy debate dominated Thursday’s alamObama meeting. Many were concerned about news reports and felt the Congressman needed to hear from his constituents, San Antonians, Texans and anyone concerned about the President’s energy policy. Voting by the Energy and Commerce Committee could begin as early as Thursday for legislation going forward to Congress. We’re sending out this blast to let everyone know citizens are gathering at Congressman Gonzalez’s office tomorrow (Monday) at noon. If you’re fired up/ready to go on this issue, and would like to add your voice and presence, get details and sign up here


This week, Rep. Charles Gonzalez will help decide the fate of President Obama's clean energy jobs plan. Rep. Gonzalez sits on a powerful committee that's about to vote on a huge clean energy jobs bill. The latest draft of the bill came out on Friday—and unfortunately it looks like Big Oil and Coal may have succeeded in weakening key elements of President Obama's plan.

President Obama’s energy plan calls for charting a new energy future; investing in clean, renewable energy and fighting climate change. Read more here:

Our own Representative Charlie Gonzalez represents a possible swing vote on the key Energy and Commerce Committee currently considering the Waxman/ Markey American Clean Energy and Security Act .

Reports say Gonzalez won't support the legislation until some changes are made to protect the utility industry — particularly CPS Energy and its investments in nuclear power. We think it’s because he’s hearing more from them than from regular citizens.. Reports say CPS has the legislator’s ear and it’s clear he needs to hear from more constituents. .

He’s already heard from Move On and VoteVets urging him to support the measure. Even religious leaders have urged support .

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