Thursday, June 11, 2009

May 11 - Weekly Roundup

Castro Wins Handily!
Congratulations to Mayor Julian Castro! Several alamObamers worked this campaign including Fred Tawil and Yvonne Armstrong. Good work all! Our own Ruben Cuero decisively won his school board seat as well. Many of our folks were involved in local campaigns and we congratulate you all in work well done. Here are the results from Bexar County elections: .

Next Monthly Meeting
We’ll meet Thursday, May 14th, at 6:30 PM at 7122 San Pedro. This week’s meeting will focus on two things: (1) the latest from OFA: a report on the Listening Tour and what’s next and, (2) a working session for our councils: Rapid Response, Legislative, Education and Training, Voter Registration, Support, Information Management, Candidates and Campaigns, and Community Service. Make sure you check our website for the President’s weekly
address, latest from the White House, legislation, events and more.

Organizing For America
In a statewide call last week we heard from Jeremy Bird, Deputy Director of OFA. He said we will start seeing many staff arriving in coming months because Texas is important to OFA, the President, and the nation. He said we did amazing work in the primary and general election. They are making a serious commitment to Texas; no other state will get more resources. He informed us the Listening Tour was launched because it’s important we drive the organization &
the effort. He said we’ll drive the work we do and will have a huge impact on OFA. This is our opportunity to realize change. He concluded by saying, Texas matters and that's why we have Luke Hayes. But Luke is here as an organizer, a resource...not a dictator. Jeremy turned it back to Luke who then gave us a rundown of what he heard on the Listening Tour:
1) Two way Communication is key
2) We need a road map to success
3) We would like a forum to exchange ideas and best practices
4) Forms of communication other than e-mail for supporters who do not have access (phone trees, etc).
5) Spanish language talking points and other literature
6) Charity projects are great tool for both doing the work and reaching out

Luke then briefed us on the upcoming Health Care Push. We don't know when the vote will come on health care but we are gearing up to prepare for it. May will focus on education and awareness. There will be policy expert conference calls to be used in house parties and other gatherings. The OFA website is being revamped and they are collecting health care stories. Please send yours and/ or urgeothers to send theirs. Luke added we need to do some coalition
building; seek out other groups already working the healthcare issue and network. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel. June will be the action month. Early June will focus on action meetings. Folks with healthcare stories will be important. Mid-June summer organizers will arrive (13th and 14th). We will need those spare bedrooms they spoke of at the Listening Tour.
The last week in June, 27th and 28th there will be a Healthcare Project. Another statewide call is expected Wednesday and we will have details at the meeting. Keep up with OFA online at
The Organizing DNC; The Future Of Obama's Campaign - Marc Ambinder
Organizing for America in "Every County, Every Precinct, Every Block, Every Neighborhood"

White House
The President: calls on Congress to pass a vital credit card reform bill to keep companies from ripping off working Americans; offers new ways for individuals to turn their own economic lives around while continuing to work to turn the national economy around; discusses his budget reductions released today as a change in the way Washington does business, OMB Director Orszag gives details on the blog, and brings President Karzai of Afghanistan and President
Zardari of Pakistan together for a common purpose. Check out the Latino Town Hall, follow the 2010 budget, the ARRA and more at

Texas Legislation

Voter ID
The House Committee on Elections passed a Voter ID measure yesterday. House Elections Committee Chair Todd Smith doesn’t think it will pass the House…he says he doesn’t think the votes are there. is expected to vote on a Voter ID measure ID today paving the way for a house vote on Senate Bill 362. Read about this and the fizzle of the Texas

TxDot: Change is in the Wind
Looks like embattled TxDot is about to see some changes through an elected commissioner

Community is holding Council training Sunday, May 17th at 1:30 PM at the SAAPAC office, 7122 San Pedro. They invite activists to join them. At this training, they'll lay out MoveOn's strategy for the coming months, ways to get involved, and they'll develop your skills for effective local organizing. Your Council Coordinator Angie Drake, your Regional Coordinator Stephanie Hamm, and your Field Organizer Matthew Simmons will be facilitating this training. Sign

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