Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March 30 - Weekly Roundup

The Budget

President and Congress

"These investments are not a wish list of priorities that I picked out of thin air – they are a central part of a comprehensive strategy to grow this economy by attacking the very problems that have dragged it down for too long:  the high cost of health care and our dependence on oil; our education deficit and our fiscal deficit." - President Barack Obama

By the time we meet Thursday, important congressional votes may well have already been cast on President Obama’s bold budget. The Senate Budget Committee has signed off on it http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090326/ap_on_go_co/congress_budget, but now the debate in Congress begins.  Here’s the DNC response to the Republicans’  “budget proposal” released last week https://www.democrats.org/page/contribute/zero?source=20090330_zero_ND.  We’ve heard it if not thought it ourselves…we elected Barack Obama and given him a Democratic congress with which to work.  Why does he need our continued support?  Bipartianship is alive and well in Congress when it comes to naysaysers http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/25/us/politics/25budget.html?_r=1.    Texas is clearly going to be a problem.  We knew about Hutchison and Cornyn.  But now several Texas Dems have backed away from the energy portion, expressing concern for the plan’s  effect on the oil industry http://www.mysanantonio.com/business/local/Texas_Dems_say_energy_is_at_risk.html.

What We Can Do

Here’s an article you can relate to from the ordinary citizen’s point of view by Betsy Angert http://www.opednews.com/articles/MoveOn-Obama-Budget-by-Betsy-L-Angert-090319-738.html.   President Obama needs us…WE need us.  Organizing for America has a tool, with a script, that will help you in contacting your congressional representative and you can find it here http://my.barackobama.com/page/content/callcongress/budget/   Truemajority has made tons of calls in the districts of key Congressmembers who write the first draft of the budget. It's up to this handful of legislators to decide whether to deliver President Obama's whole budget to Congress, or drop essential investments. If you’ve got a couple hours to help with those calls go here http://act.truemajorityaction.org/p/7002/rsvp?petition_KEY=109.  MoveOn.org  points out conservative Democrats are facing enormous pressure from Republicans and corporate lobbyists in Washington, but they're not hearing enough from progressives back home in their districts or states.  According to a Capitol Hill newspaper, some conservative Democratic senators are "quietly maneuvering to keep open the option of vetoing two of President Barack Obama's most ambitious agenda items this year—climate change and health care reform http://www.rollcall.com/issues/54_104/news/33248-1.html  .  So they’re doing a couple things:  running radio ads asking key Democratic members of the House and Senate to support the budget http://pol.moveon.org/budget10/ads.html?rc=homepage and building the infrastructure to inject a massive jolt of people power into the conversation.

Monthly Meeting –We’re on the Move

Don’t forget to mark your calendar for the monthly alamObama meeting Thursday, April 2nd, 6:30 PM at 7122 San Pedro, Suite 114 (in the back).  We have a lot to discuss so we’ll start promptly at 6:30:   Here’s the agenda:

1.  Discuss the budget and how we can support the President.  Bring your laptop as we’ll be showing you sites and tools you can use. 

2.  Among the many measures the state legislature is considering are the Voter ID Act and state usage of ARRA funds.  We’ll have details on how you can weigh in at the meeting.

3.  Discussing the new alamObama Councils.  Sign up for one of the councils and roll up your sleeves.  Choose from:  Rapid Response, Legislative, Education/training, Voter Registration, Support, Information Management, Candidates/Campaigns, and Community Service. Some will require watching and reporting, others long term planning and action, and still others quick response and organizing.  Council Leaders will form the core of alamObama’s advisory/leadership team.  In the meantime, please go to:http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=hdYE3iWDPz_2fluw2VWHai9Q_3d_3d  Details below.

4.  Candidates/Campaigns/Community events, other announcements

Make sure to check our website www.alamobama08.com to keep up with the latest information. 

From the White House

This week the President:  dedicates his address to the people of North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota as they face down disastrous flooding; announces that his AutoTask Force has completed its evaluation of General Motors and Chrysler, and gives his response; announces a new comprehensive strategy to defeat Al Qaeda and ensure stability in Afghanistan and Pakistan;  answered several of the most popular questions during a special online Town Hall as the trial run of Open for Questions in the White House wrapped up with more than 3,606,000 total votes; and signs the Omnibus Public Lands Management Act of 2009, one of the most sweeping pieces of conservation and public land management legislation in years.  Rebecca Adelman of the Department of Health and Human Services tells us about a new report that turns the debate over the costs of health reform on its head. These stories and more at www.whitehouse.gov.

Texas Legislature

House Voter ID Hearings

The House Elections Committee will hear testimony on the photo Voter ID next Monday, April 6th and Tuesday, April 7th; the committee:  http://www.house.state.tx.us/committees/list81/240.htm.  Here’re talking points on the issue http://www.txdemocrats.org/issues/voter_id_information - Key_Points.


The ARRA kept the extended 33-week unemployment compensation period in place, suspended income tax on the first $2,400 of unemployment benefits, and increased benefits for everyone receiving unemployment by $25 per week. It is possible for the state to access hundreds of millions of dollars in additional unemployment support from the federal government.  The House Select Committee on  Federal Economic Stabilization Funding has wrapped uppublic hearings and is meeting Tuesday, March 31 at 2 PM.  View their progress here http://txstimulusfund.com.    Meanwhile, the Texas Comptroller is closely reviewing ARRA and its impact on Texas http://www.window.state.tx.us/recovery/.

Homestead Tax

From Texas AARP:  Rumors of a Constitutional Amendment on the Homestead Tax are NOT accurate! Important local issues will be on the May 9th ballot but no statewide propositions according to the TX Secretary of State, Hope Andrade.  Make sure to get out and vote on May 9th!  Click here to view the full article and Voter Information on the TX Secretary of State Website http://www.sos.state.tx.us/about/newsreleases/2009/032609.shtml.

Local Elections

There’s a lot going on in the local election scheduled for May 9.  There’ll be a separate e-mail in your mailbox in the next 24 hours with updates on voter registration, candidates and candidate forums.

Around the area:

Neighborhood Mini Grants Program

United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County

The mini grant program is an effort to encourage the activities and ideas of neighborhoods in San Antonio and Bexar County by supporting small projects that can have a large impact. There is no minimum amount for the Mini Grants however, the maximum amount for any funded project is $1,000. Applicants can only apply for projects that have a beginning and an end, and may not apply again until the first project is completed.  For information, go to: http://www.unitedwaysatx.org/Pages/Minigrants.html or contact Margaret Oser at 352-7067.  Application deadline is April 7, 2009.

alamObama Councils

 The purpose of this concept is developing teams to prevent, or at least reduce, the burnout many of us experienced during the campaign.  We view support of President Obama and his presidency as a marathon, not a series of sprints.  Our goal is less focused on beating the runner next to us and more on facilitating as many of us finishing as possible...being in it for the long haul.  Some of our teams will require watching and reporting, others long term planning and action, and still others quick response and organizing.  The Council Leaders will form the core of alamObama’s advisory/leadership team.

Dividing up the work in a way that allows for the many types of responsible citizens…indefatigable organizer, weekend warrior, worker bee, researcher, etc…to be a contributing resource is the best way to involve those who want to do something, not just sit on the sidelines.  An informed, motivated supporter beats a drone any day, and gives the organization far more vitality and credibility. The ultimate bonus is an informed, well-trained, motivated citizenry who refuse to go back to the days of being victimized by an out of touch, and equally out of control, government.

Rapid Response Council

Oversee and coordinate campaigns, projects and rapid response actions. Facilitate action when and where needed without overstimulation of the entire alamObama  membership.

Organizing for America Team

Work closely with OFA ready to implement projects and campaigns.  At a minimum this team should consist of four congressional district “captains” who can mobilize a group quickly.  These teams are ideal for energetic, innovative, spontaneous, number driven folks who like to hit the street running at a moment’s notice.


Move On, Texas Democratic Party, National Democratic Party, etc often have initiatives that require rapid response and fit within our mission.  They’ve often done the preparatory work, we just need to move our constituency toward their initiative.

Legislative Council (Frank Woods/ “Van” van Breeden

Legislative Watch

This is key to an informed citizenry.  Three main areas have been identified by the administration as areas of focus for the budget:  energy, health care, education and cutting the deficit by identifying programs and initiatives that can be cut, eliminated or better used.  This area can help identify action items as well as education and training needs.

Legislative Action

This team would focus membership efforts on legislative issues, such as calls to legislators on specific issues; organizing teams for visits to legislators, encouraging and, in some cases, coordinating testimony before legislature.

Education & Training Council (Angie Drake/Joe Ibarra)

There is limitless opportunity for this team and SAAPAC offers space for most.  This team should focus on identifying subject matter experts and coordinating training opportunities rather than conducting all training (recipe for burnout).  This team’s topics will be on a more “as needed” basis.  Some topics that come to mind are:  lobbying your legislator, testifying at legislative hearings, voter education, etc.  May want to look at an initiative like “alamObama U” with regular schedule of training.

Voter Registration Council

This is an ongoing need, not just at Presidential election time.  We have a mayoral race coming up, there will be elections in 2010, and referendums often come up.  If we work to ensure citizens are always current in their registration, they understand the process better.  And it is less of a burden when the “big” ones come along.  We also need to eliminate as many options for voter challenge or suppression as possible.

Support Council (Brenda Johnson)

Office Volunteers

One of the advantages of the old alamObama office was the feeling of having a “home” - a physical base of operations.  That is one reason many of us feel the SAAPAC office is ideal.  We need to staff it to provide a “presence”.   It helped in recruiting, dissemination of information, and folks just keeping in touch.

Phone Bank Team

This is a challenging but crucial part of any outreach effort we undertake.  SAAPAC has facilities we can use, but is a far cry from the old alamObama  office.  We need to determine how we can use the office, coordinate calls from home or on cell phones.  A core team of callers needs to be trained and ready to go with the ability to expand as needed.     

Information Management Council (Joel Mayer)




E-mail blasts

Flyers and other support materials

Candidates and Campaigns Council

This will be dicey.  We need our folks to know who’s running for what, how things are going, and encourage them to get involved but need to avoid any appearance of a PAC or endorsement.

Community Service Team Council (Jason Burge)

Food Bank

We need to show our concern for our community in a way that is meaningful but does not drain our resources.  I think supporting the Food Bank is ideal and would like to make it our ‘official’ charity.  Feeding the community’s hungry is something anyone can get behind.  We should also develop ways to measure and track our service

Food Sorters

Coordinate volunteers to sort food at SAFB on a regularly scheduled basis.  Their toughest days to fill are evenings during the week. 

Food Drive

This could be done monthly at the SAAPAC location on a weekend day when the parking lot is fairly empty.  Great opportunity to do some good, get visibility and recruit.



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