Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March 23 - Weekly Roundup

posted by Brenda Johnson

Monthly Meeting

Don’t forget to mark your calendar for the monthly alamObama meeting April 2nd, 6:30 PM at 7122 San Pedro.  Make sure to check our website www.alamobama08.com to keep up with the latest information.  Look for an itinerary next Monday.

The Budget

Last month the President sent a bold and forward-thinking plan to Congress.  This week, the mark up process begins.   This is where Congress debates and edits the budget the President has submitted, adding and subtracting where they think appropriate.  President Obama says this is a healthy part of the process, but expects Congress to return to him a budget that meets four basic principles:

(1)     Must reduce our dependence on foreign oil and put this nation on a path to clean & renewable energy;

(2)     Must renew our nation’s commitment to a complete and competitive education fore every American child;

(3)     Must make a serious investment in health reform that will bring down costs, ensure quality and guarantee people their choice of doctors and hospitals; and

(4)     Must reduce our deficit even further by cutting it in half by the end of 2012

The President will be discussing each of these principles this week at www.whitehouse.gov.

From the President

"These investments are not a wish list of priorities that I picked out of thin air – they are a central part of a comprehensive strategy to grow this economy by attacking the very problems that have dragged it down for too long:  the high cost of health care and our dependence on oil; our education deficit and our fiscal deficit."

President Barack Obama

In his weekly address recorded February 21, President Obama tells us about the budget, what he expects it to do, how and why. He explains each of the above mentioned principles and expands on them. Let him tell you at http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/09/03/20/A-Budget-Equal-to-the-Task-Before-Us/

What We Can Do

Tell Congress to put politics aside.  If you have not already done so, please sign your pledge of support  at  http://my.barackobama.com/page/content/pledgeproject.  Each of us should contact our congressional representatives to pass on our support for the President’s budget and to find out if they, too, support it.  Ask them if they approve it as it is or if they have changes they have proposed or plan to propose.  If they do not support, ask them why not.  Our Senators have made it clear they plan to oppose the budget.  Let’s ask them their alternative plan.  Let’s monitor Congress as it deliberates this budget; our future depends on their action.  Congressional contact information can be found at the end of this newsletter.

From the White House

As part of the President’s promise of transparency in government, www.whitehouse.gov is a treasure trove of information .  Featured this week:  Office of Management and Budget Director, Peter Orszag, guest blogs on WhiteHouse.gov to announce the release of the Fiscal Responsbility Summit Report; President Obama gives a special New Year's video message to the people and leadership of Iran; The Middle Clask Task Force holds its second meeting and releases its second report, showing how the Recovery Act represents a fundamental shift towards strengthening the middle class and the President goes to California to talk to working people directly about the economy and hear out their concerns. 

Texas and the ARRA

While the Texas legislature didn’t have the opportunity to approve or disapprove of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act, they do have responsibility for its implementation in Texas and they’re taking that responsibility seriously.  Bexar county’s own Joe Strauss, Speaker of the House, created the House Select Committee on Federal Economic Stabilization Funding.  They’ve also created an excellent website explaining their purpose and keeping us all informed on their progress http://txstimulusfund.com/.  Led by State Representative Jim Dunnam the committee brought its deliberation process to San Antonio last Saturday in a public hearing held in city council chambers http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/story?section=news/state&id=6722122.  More public hearings will be held in Austin Tuesday and Wednesday at 2:00 PM.

Voter ID

SB 362 officially passed the Teas Senate and has been referred to the House.  http://www.txdemocrats.org/page/content/twister/.  The process calls for it and any companion bills (like HB 3556) to be heard in committee first before going to vote by the House.  The House Elections Committee currently has 150 bills to consider from the elimination of straight party voting to eligibility requirements for deputy voter registrars (here’s the list) http://www.legis.state.tx.us/Reports/Report.aspx?ID=committee&LegSess=81R&Code=C240. We’ll keep our eye on it.

Texas Legislature Debates Solar Energy Policies

Texas is blessed with the best solar resources in the nation, yet very few solar energy systems exist. It's time to put the sun's clean, reliable, and free energy to good use. Next Tuesday, the Texas legislature will begin debating solar energy policies, and we need to send a clear message that Texans are demanding cheaper renewable energy.  Solar generates more jobs per megawatt (MW) than any other energy technology. For every 100 MW installed, Texas can expect to see 1,500 new jobs. Once installed, solar energy, and other on-site renewable technologies offer Texans locked-in low energy bills and reliable power for decades to come. The state legislature helped create a boom for wind power in Texas. Now it's time to turn Texas into a solar powerhouse by creating an incentive program to lower the price of installing solar panels on homes and businesses. Small investments now could bring billions over the next decade and help bring clear blue skies back to Texas.  Please have a look and take action.(Thanks Zada!) http://act.credoact ion.com/campaign /tx_solar/ ?r_by=3112- 1675688-FMuZttx&rc=paste

Happy Birthday, Mr. Dean!

SAAPAC is having a Special Birthday Party on March 25th, 7:00 PM, 7122 San Pedro - in honor of Howard  Dean and his grassroots organization, Democracy for America, hosted by Zada True-Courage and Joann Smith.  Wednesday night Governor Howard Dean will have a big announcement about the future of Democracy for America. If you want to be the first to find out what's in store (or just want to hang out with fellow Democrats and eat pizza) then RSVP to attend the local DFA 5th Birthday Party today http://democracyforamerica.com/event_types/46-dfa-birthday-party/search.

Congressional Contacts:

United States Senators

John Cornyn - (R)
517 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
District Address:
600 Navarro, Suite 210
San Antonio, TX 78205
Phone:  (210) 224-7485

Kathryn Ann Bailey (Kay) Hutchinson - (R)
 284 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-4304
Phone: (202) 224-5922
District Address:
145 Duncan Drive, Suite 120
San Antonio, TX 78226
Phone: (210) 340-2885

United States House of Representatives  

District 20 - Congressman Charlie Gonzalez - (D)
327Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515-4320
Phone: (202) 225-3236  
District Address:
727 E. Durango Blvd., Suite B-124
San Antonio, TX 78206
Phone: (210) 472-6199

District 21 - Congressman Lamar Smith - (R)  
2231 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515-4321
Phone: (202) 225-4236
District Address:
1100 NE Loop 410, Ste. 640
San Antonio, TX 78209
Phone: (210) 821-5024

District 23  - Congressman Ciro Rodriguez - (D)  
2458 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4511
District Address:
1950 SW Military Dr.
San Antonio, TX 78221-1474
Phone: (210) 922-1874
toll free: (866) 915-3493

District 28  - Congressman Henry Cuellar - (D)  
1404 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515  
Phone: (202) 225-1640
District Address:
1149 E. Commerce, Suite 210
San Antonio, TX 78205
Phone: (210) 271-2851

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