Sunday, August 30, 2009

Encourage Ciro Rodrígeuz to Support the Public Option!

Angie Drake wrote Sunday morning 8/30: " Just heard that in an interview on the Sunday morning shows here in SA that Ciro Rodriguez waffled - he supports reform but does not support a public option. We need to write letters to the editor ( and send a copy of letter to Ciro at link below."

My 2c worth: We still need to convince Ciro that he should be listening to his supporters - those who will vote for him and/or work on his re-election campaign - more than to the negative people who will never support him under any circumstances. A useful alternative to email is to phone Ciro's local office at (210) 561-9421; they are literally counting the calls for and against, and right now we are *losing* that poll!

Lloyd Doggett on Health Care Reform 8/29

Congressman Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) spoke on health care reform to the Real Voices for Change Forum in Austin, Texas, Saturday, August 29, 2009. The forum was presented by, Organizing for America, the Travis County Democratic Party, Gray Panthers, and Health Care for All Texas. At the end of the speech, his constituents staged a mini-demonstration to express their gratitude for Mr. Doggett's support of REAL health care reform!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Impressions of the Austin Health Care Rally

posted by Joel Mayer

Rally for Health Care Reform at the State Capitol in Austin

I attended the Rally for Health Care Reform in Austin today along with other San Antonians from alamObama, MoveOn, SAAPAC, and OFA. There were about 250-300 supporters from around the state gathered on the Capitol steps at 1:00 p.m. and we were confronted by about 150-200 tea baggers and secessionists. There was lively chanting on both sides, and eventually a cordon of state troopers took up a position between the Pros and Contras, who were only about 5 feet apart. When we started to sing patriotic songs, the Contras continued to taunt us, which shouldn't have surprised me since so many of them seem to want to take us out of the USA anyway. The Capitol rally continued in this vein until about 2 o'clock, when we headed over to the Methodist Church for a forum on health care sponsored by MoveOn and Organizing for America.

I have to criticize Organizing for America, since they took over the event and did not respect the sign-ups made on either the myBO or MoveOn web sites and decided to just let everyone in on a first come first serve basis. This meant that many people who had endured the heat to stand up to the tea baggers were excluded from this forum, even though they had signed up and made the extra effort to arrive early for the Capitol rally. When I had grass roots training from DFA last summer, they taught us that the first rule when recruiting volunteers is to show them respect and make them feel needed. OFA clearly has never learned this rule, since they treated the volunteers who literally sweated the most with no respect at all. After putting up with the heat, the taunting, and even the personal insults (I was called a "traitor" by one tea bagger), everyone at the Capitol should have been given a special pass to walk in and take a place of honor in the front of the church! I was one of those excluded, but managed to wangle my way in only through the efforts of Karen Newton of OFA San Antonio, who made an effort to get them to let me in to take the seat she had saved for me.

The positive side of all this is that there were a couple of thousand people who wanted to attend this forum, even though the church only had room for 1,200. Among the speakers was Congressman Lloyd Doggett of Austin, who reiterated his support for a Public Option in health care reform and his defiance of tea baggers and secessionists, for which he received a standing ovation!

We Can't Afford to Wait Vigil for Health Care

posted on behalf of

Wednesday, September 2, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m., in front of the Alamo

"We're organizing "We can't afford to wait" vigils nationwide just days before members of Congress return to Washington, to make sure they know that an overwhelming majority of voters are counting on them to act quickly to pass health care reform.

"Our vigils will put a human face on the urgent need for bold health care reform with a real public health insurance option. We'll deliver an unmistakable message to the media and members of Congress: We can't afford to wait: Public Option NOW!"

Friday, August 28, 2009


posted on behalf of Zada True-Courage of SAAPAC

We had a change in plans. Tea Partiers are coming to crash Austin Capitol Rally at 1PM so we need all hands on deck. New Plans:

Meet at SAAPAC at 11AM and take off at 11:15. Do capital steps rally and then over to Church.

SAAPAC Office: 7122 San Pedro, Suite 114 - San Pedro Towne Center, in the back, facing the Kaplan Career Institute. John (Courage) is leading troops as I have to go up earlier for a TDP meeting.

For event details, other than the time, view Zada's earlier post:

Monday, August 24, 2009

Austin Rally Aug 29 NOT CANCELLED

posted by Joel Mayer

An e-mail was sent today to many people who signed up for the Austin Health Care Rally next Saturday, August 29, informing them that the event had been cancelled. This was NOT TRUE. Zada True-Courage and Angie Drake CONFIRM that the event is taking place as planned. Check out the earlier post by MoveOn with information about the rally and about caravaning from the SAAPAC Office to Austin next Saturday!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Northside Rally for Health Care Aug 22

A large group of advocates for Health Care Reform turned up Saturday at the Northiside office of Congressman Ciro Rodríguez. The rally was organized by the San Antonio for Barack Obama Facebook group, alamObama, MoveOn, and the Northwest Democrats.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Bus to Charlie Gonzalez' Town Hall Meeting

Invitation Posted on behalf of Neighborhood 1st Alliance:

Neighborhood 1st Alliance has a bus for those who wish to commute to Charlie Gonzalez' Town Hall Meeting. Please gather at the Claude Black Center 2805 E. Commerce. For more information please call: Kim Sanders 533-1622, Joyce McCoullough 333-6234, or TC Calvert at 226-9041.

Southside Health Care Rally August 22

Rally at the Southside office of Congressman Ciro Rodríguez

Friday, August 21, 2009

Update on the Charlie Gonzalez Town Hall 8/24

(posted on behalf of MoveOn Council San Antonio and LaFe Policy Research and Education Center)

Just returned from a meeting at La Fe Policy Research and Education Center with several community members. These are the "rules" being put out by the Gonzales' office and some items we discussed at the meeting:

Town Hall format:

Question will be taken by raffle process for taking questions (pro, concerns, question on health care reform box)
Seating will be based on first come first serve
Doors open at 6:30pm
Posters will not be accepted inside, t-shirts and button, stickers are ok
There will be lots of security inside and outside the venue
The venue holds 1500 people

Outreach & Attendance Strategy

We identified we can bring 200-300 people out (organizations attending)
Try to get members to location at 5pm
Rally to precede town hall around 5:30pm
Asking orgs to bring water and snack for people in hot weather
Tables, ice, icebox
La Fe will create leaflet why Health Care Can’t Wait.
Debbie and Amy are thinking of creating iron on for white t-shirts for those who would like one, bring early on Monday or let us know,

Press Conference for Health Care Reform by Gonzalez Offices including Sen.Van de Putte and Rep. Villarreal
Tues 8/24 @ 10:30am – location is being solidified
Press conference will discuss why HCR is needed
Looking for good stories for press conference
Would like strong support in the background and stand together for health care reform

Congressman Gonzalez will be on Kens 5 Sunday morning show..

Amy Casso, Policy Analyst, MPA
La Fe Policy Research & Education Center
1313 Guadalupe, ste 102
San Antonio, TX 78207

Big Health Care Rally in Austin August 29

(posted on behalf of Zada True-Courage)

Ok, here s the deal. There’s BIG Healthcare Rally planned for Saturday 8/29 in Austin. Lloyd Doggett, one of the Good Guys who’s promised to hold out for the Public Option will be there along with John Cornyn (or that’s the rumor anyway).

I know we’re having rallies next week but I think it’s important for as many people as possible to converge on Austin on 8/29 for this event. We need the masses to show WE WANT A PUBLIC OPTION!!!

So who’s up for meeting at the SAAPAC Headquarters at 1PM and taking off at 1:15. We can decorate our cars (if we want to do that we’d better meet at noon) and mosey on up there and meet up with others?

If you want to car pool or caravan to Austin: do these TWO things

Click on this link and sign up:

And: Send me an e-mail and tell me you want to car-pool or caravan. Be sure I can reach you. Let me know if you can drive or need a ride and if you want to decorate your car. My e-mail is:

From: []
On Behalf Of JC Dufresne
Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2009 10:14 PM
To: JC Dufresne

I'm forwarding this to you so that if you're not a MoveOn member but you are interested in Health Care Reform you can participate in the biggest action yet.

Dear Central Texas MoveOn Members,

The Dallas MoveOn Council has requested that all Central Texas MoveOn members join them in Austin, Texas on Saturday, August 29th, at the First United Methodist Church, 1201 Lavaca, Austin, TX, at 3 pm, for a demonstration of solidarity between MoveOn Councils and other progressive organizations in Texas on the issue of healthcare. Tickets are limited to
550 so please sign up here as soon as possible:

The Austin MoveOn Council, under the leadership of Dan Piper and a team of MoveOn members, is working very hard to make this event honor our commitment to grassroots organization and to the importance of passing R.E.A.L. Healthcare Reform when Congress returns to Washington in September. They are selecting speakers and finalizing the agenda this coming week.

Besides getting as many of you as possible into this 1,200 seat venue - the most important goal is to get as much Media to the event as well. For that reason, we are asking the Media Team of each Council to distribute an edited Press Release to their local media contacts as soon as it is available and to follow-up with greater urgency than ever before. We must begin to frame the issue in our terms - we have the moral high ground! All Media Team Coordinators will coordinate with the Austin Media Team. That contact person will be designated this week. In the meantime - please refer to Luisa Handem at Luisa will be editing the Press Release as soon as final details are nailed down.

The Dallas MoveOn Council is hosting a Candlelight Vigil that same evening either on the steps of the Capitol or in front of the Capitol, in honor of those who die every year without healthcare and the 55 million people who have no health insurance. There will be a separate event posting for that.

Please sign up today for this event and plan to come to Austin. Seating is limited for our Councils:

Your contact for all seating questions will be Jacque Cotrell, She has created a Google Doc where she will be tracking all Councils and their registrations for this event.

Thank you for your help,
Austin MoveOn Council

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Town Hall Meeting with Congressman Charlie Gonzalez

Monday, August 24, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Edgewood ISD Theatre of Performing Arts
607 SW 34th Street
Come out and encourage Charlie to support President Obama!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Health Care Rallies Sat August 22

posted by Joel Mayer

It is time to rally for Health Care for All - either a Public Option or Medicare for All (HB 676) - to remind President Obama why we elected him and about "Change You Can Believe In." Both rallies will be outside the local offices of Congressman Ciro Rodriguez, whom we also need to encourage to support health care reform, this Saturday, August 22, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Please RSVP at one of these event pages:

Southside - 1313 SE Military Drive

Northside - 6363 De Zavala Rd

Please bring a hat and water, and bring your own signs. Be friendly and avoid confrontation with the Contras (Tea Party activists). I look forward to meeting those of you who attend the Southside rally.

If not on Facebook, use this sign-up on MyBO: (this is for the Southside rally, but indicate in your RSVP if your are going to the one on De Zavala.)

Joel Mayer

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Most Important 36 Minutes You Will Ever Spend

posted by Brenda Johnson

Please take 36 minutes and watch this Bill Moyers interview with former Cigna VP Wendell Potter which aired July 10th. He predicted much of what you're seeing in the fight against the public option because he helped write the strategy while still an industry insider. After a 20-year career as a corporate public relations executive, last year he left his job as head of communications for one of the nation's largest health insurers to try his hand at helping socially responsible organizations — including those advocating for meaningful health care reform — achieve their goals. Why has he switched sides? He tells you about his "ah-ha" moment in the interview...the event that put faces to the un/underinsured for him. This is the most insightful and informative piece I have seen about health care reform to date. Please watch and share.

Bill Moyers Journal . Watch & Listen | PBS

Make sure you read "Wendell Potter on Profits Before Patients"

Friday, August 14, 2009

Health Care Rally August 14

posted by Joel Mayer
The Health Care Reform rally was held outside the Northside office of Congressman Ciro Rodríguez, 6363 De Zavala Rd. The Pro-Health Care participants included members of the Bexar County Democratic Party, MoveOn, alamObama, and the Communist Party. As you can see, this issue brings together a broad spectrum of political opinion! The small group of Contras appeared to be from SA Tea Party Activists. As our congressmen are home this month, there will be other similar events in the coming weeks - come out and join us! Special commendation to the San Antonio Police Department, which maintained a discreet presence that kept everything calm.

photos: alamObamans Tina Wheat, Joel Mayer, & Frank Elizondo

To keep up with Pro-Obama events, join the "San Antonio for Barack Obama" Facebook group:

View the complete photo album of this event!