Friday, August 21, 2009

Big Health Care Rally in Austin August 29

(posted on behalf of Zada True-Courage)

Ok, here s the deal. There’s BIG Healthcare Rally planned for Saturday 8/29 in Austin. Lloyd Doggett, one of the Good Guys who’s promised to hold out for the Public Option will be there along with John Cornyn (or that’s the rumor anyway).

I know we’re having rallies next week but I think it’s important for as many people as possible to converge on Austin on 8/29 for this event. We need the masses to show WE WANT A PUBLIC OPTION!!!

So who’s up for meeting at the SAAPAC Headquarters at 1PM and taking off at 1:15. We can decorate our cars (if we want to do that we’d better meet at noon) and mosey on up there and meet up with others?

If you want to car pool or caravan to Austin: do these TWO things

Click on this link and sign up:

And: Send me an e-mail and tell me you want to car-pool or caravan. Be sure I can reach you. Let me know if you can drive or need a ride and if you want to decorate your car. My e-mail is:

From: []
On Behalf Of JC Dufresne
Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2009 10:14 PM
To: JC Dufresne

I'm forwarding this to you so that if you're not a MoveOn member but you are interested in Health Care Reform you can participate in the biggest action yet.

Dear Central Texas MoveOn Members,

The Dallas MoveOn Council has requested that all Central Texas MoveOn members join them in Austin, Texas on Saturday, August 29th, at the First United Methodist Church, 1201 Lavaca, Austin, TX, at 3 pm, for a demonstration of solidarity between MoveOn Councils and other progressive organizations in Texas on the issue of healthcare. Tickets are limited to
550 so please sign up here as soon as possible:

The Austin MoveOn Council, under the leadership of Dan Piper and a team of MoveOn members, is working very hard to make this event honor our commitment to grassroots organization and to the importance of passing R.E.A.L. Healthcare Reform when Congress returns to Washington in September. They are selecting speakers and finalizing the agenda this coming week.

Besides getting as many of you as possible into this 1,200 seat venue - the most important goal is to get as much Media to the event as well. For that reason, we are asking the Media Team of each Council to distribute an edited Press Release to their local media contacts as soon as it is available and to follow-up with greater urgency than ever before. We must begin to frame the issue in our terms - we have the moral high ground! All Media Team Coordinators will coordinate with the Austin Media Team. That contact person will be designated this week. In the meantime - please refer to Luisa Handem at Luisa will be editing the Press Release as soon as final details are nailed down.

The Dallas MoveOn Council is hosting a Candlelight Vigil that same evening either on the steps of the Capitol or in front of the Capitol, in honor of those who die every year without healthcare and the 55 million people who have no health insurance. There will be a separate event posting for that.

Please sign up today for this event and plan to come to Austin. Seating is limited for our Councils:

Your contact for all seating questions will be Jacque Cotrell, She has created a Google Doc where she will be tracking all Councils and their registrations for this event.

Thank you for your help,
Austin MoveOn Council

1 comment:

  1. Very Good support by you
    i really Appreciate
    your efforts
    Good Health care Tips
