Friday, August 14, 2009

Health Care Rally August 14

posted by Joel Mayer
The Health Care Reform rally was held outside the Northside office of Congressman Ciro Rodríguez, 6363 De Zavala Rd. The Pro-Health Care participants included members of the Bexar County Democratic Party, MoveOn, alamObama, and the Communist Party. As you can see, this issue brings together a broad spectrum of political opinion! The small group of Contras appeared to be from SA Tea Party Activists. As our congressmen are home this month, there will be other similar events in the coming weeks - come out and join us! Special commendation to the San Antonio Police Department, which maintained a discreet presence that kept everything calm.

photos: alamObamans Tina Wheat, Joel Mayer, & Frank Elizondo

To keep up with Pro-Obama events, join the "San Antonio for Barack Obama" Facebook group:

View the complete photo album of this event!

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