Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Health Care Rallies Sat August 22

posted by Joel Mayer

It is time to rally for Health Care for All - either a Public Option or Medicare for All (HB 676) - to remind President Obama why we elected him and about "Change You Can Believe In." Both rallies will be outside the local offices of Congressman Ciro Rodriguez, whom we also need to encourage to support health care reform, this Saturday, August 22, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Please RSVP at one of these event pages:

Southside - 1313 SE Military Drive

Northside - 6363 De Zavala Rd

Please bring a hat and water, and bring your own signs. Be friendly and avoid confrontation with the Contras (Tea Party activists). I look forward to meeting those of you who attend the Southside rally.

If not on Facebook, use this sign-up on MyBO: http://my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/gpfkk3 (this is for the Southside rally, but indicate in your RSVP if your are going to the one on De Zavala.)

Joel Mayer

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