Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Most Important 36 Minutes You Will Ever Spend

posted by Brenda Johnson

Please take 36 minutes and watch this Bill Moyers interview with former Cigna VP Wendell Potter which aired July 10th. He predicted much of what you're seeing in the fight against the public option because he helped write the strategy while still an industry insider. After a 20-year career as a corporate public relations executive, last year he left his job as head of communications for one of the nation's largest health insurers to try his hand at helping socially responsible organizations — including those advocating for meaningful health care reform — achieve their goals. Why has he switched sides? He tells you about his "ah-ha" moment in the interview...the event that put faces to the un/underinsured for him. This is the most insightful and informative piece I have seen about health care reform to date. Please watch and share.

Bill Moyers Journal . Watch & Listen | PBS

Make sure you read "Wendell Potter on Profits Before Patients"

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