Wednesday, December 30, 2009

90 Accomplishments of President Obama

This is a re-post of an article by Dr. Robert P. Watson of Lynn University in Boca Ratón, Florida. While Progressives may be disappointed that not all we wished for has come to pass in President Obama's first year in office, this is still a very impressive list! The article was posted to various blogs between November 14-19, 2009. Thanks to Bob Scott for bringing this to our attention!


Professor Watson writes,

"Hi friends,

I am always being asked to grade Obama's presidency. In place of offering him a grade, I put together a list of his accomplishments thus far. I think you would agree that it is very impressive. His first six months have been even more active than FDRs or LBJs the two standards for such assessments. Yet, there is little media attention given to much of what he has done. Of late, the media is focusing almost exclusively on Obama's critics, without holding them responsible for the uncivil, unconstructive tone of their disagreements or without holding the previous administration responsible for getting us in such a deep hole. The misinformation and venom that now passes for political reporting and civic debate is beyond description.

As such, there is a need to set the record straight. What most impresses me is the fact that Obama has accomplished so much not from a heavy-handed or top-down approach but from a style that has institutionalized efforts to reach across the aisle, encourage vigorous debate, and utilize town halls and panels of experts in the policy-making process. Beyond the accomplishments, the process is good for democracy and our democratic processes have been battered and bruised in recent years.
Let me know if I missed anything in the list (surely I did).

1. Ordered all federal agencies to undertake a study and make recommendations for ways to cut spending

2. Ordered a review of all federal operations to identify and cut wasteful spending and practices

3. Instituted enforcement for equal pay for women

4. Beginning the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq

5. Families of fallen soldiers have expenses covered to be on hand when the body arrives at Dover AFB

6. Ended media blackout on war casualties; reporting full information

7. Ended media blackout on covering the return of fallen soldiers to Dover AFB; the media is now permitted to do so pending adherence to respectful rules and approval of fallen soldier's family

8. The White House and federal government are respecting the Freedom of Information Act

9. Instructed all federal agencies to promote openness and transparency as much as possible

10. Limits on lobbyist's access to the White House

11. Limits on White House aides working for lobbyists after their tenure in the administration

12. Ended the previous stop-loss policy that kept soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan longer than their enlistment date

13. Phasing out the expensive F-22 war plane and other outdated weapons systems, which weren't even used or needed in Iraq/Afghanistan

14. Removed restrictions on embryonic stem-cell research

15. Federal support for stem-cell and new biomedical research

16. New federal funding for science and research labs

17. States are permitted to enact federal fuel efficiency standards above federal standards

18. Increased infrastructure spending (roads, bridges, power plants) after years of neglect

19. Funds for high-speed, broadband Internet access to K-12 schools

20. New funds for school construction

21. The prison at Guantanamo Bay is being phased out

22. US Auto industry rescue plan

23. Housing rescue plan

24. $789 billion economic stimulus plan

25. The public can meet with federal housing insurers to refinance (the new plan can be completed in one day) a mortgage if they are having trouble paying

26. US financial and banking rescue plan

27. The secret detention facilities in Eastern Europe and elsewhere are being closed

28. Ended the previous policy; the US now has a no torture policy and is in compliance with the Geneva Convention standards

29. Better body armor is now being provided to our troops

30. The missile defense program is being cut by $1.4 billion in 2010

31. Restarted the nuclear nonproliferation talks and building back up the nuclear inspection infrastructure/protocols

32. Reengaged in the treaties/agreements to protect the Antarctic

33. Reengaged in the agreements/talks on global warming and greenhouse gas emissions

34. Visited more countries and met with more world leaders than any president in his first six months in office

35. Successful release of US captain held by Somali pirates; authorized the SEALS to do their job

36. US Navy increasing patrols off Somali coast

37. Attractive tax write-offs for those who buy hybrid automobiles

38. Cash for clunkers program offers vouchers to trade in fuel inefficient, polluting old cars for new cars; stimulated auto sales

39. Announced plans to purchase fuel efficient American-made fleet for the federal government

40. Expanded the SCHIP program to cover health care for 4 million more children

41. Signed national service legislation; expanded national youth service program

42. Instituted a new policy on Cuba, allowing Cuban families to return home to visit loved ones

43. Ended the previous policy of not regulating and labeling carbon dioxide emissions

44. Expanding vaccination programs

45. Immediate and efficient response to the floods in North Dakota and other natural disasters

46. Closed offshore tax safe havens

47. Negotiated deal with Swiss banks to permit US government to gain access to records of tax evaders and criminals

48. Ended the previous policy of offering tax benefits to corporations who outsource American jobs; the new policy is to promote in-sourcing to bring jobs back

49. Ended the previous practice of protecting credit card companies; in place of it are new consumer protections from credit card industry's predatory practices

50. Energy producing plants must begin preparing to produce 15% of their energy from renewable sources

51. Lower drug costs for seniors

52. Ended the previous practice of forbidding Medicare from negotiating with drug manufacturers for cheaper drugs; the federal government is now realizing hundreds of millions in savings

53. Increasing pay and benefits for military personnel

54. Improved housing for military personnel

55. Initiating a new policy to promote federal hiring of military spouses

56. Improved conditions at Walter Reed Military Hospital and other military hospitals

57. Increasing student loans

58. Increasing opportunities in AmeriCorps program

59. Sent envoys to Middle East and other parts of the world that had been neglected for years; reengaging in multilateral and bilateral talks and diplomacy

60. Established a new cyber security office

61. Beginning the process of reforming and restructuring the military 20 years after the Cold War to a more modern fighting force; this includes new procurement policies, increasing size of military, new technology and cyber units and operations, etc.

62. Ended previous policy of awarding no-bid defense contracts

63. Ordered a review of hurricane and natural disaster preparedness

64. Established a National Performance Officer charged with saving the federal government money and making federal operations more efficient

65. Students struggling to make college loan payments can have their loans refinanced

66. Improving benefits for veterans

67. Many more press conferences and town halls and much more media access than previous administration

68. Instituted a new focus on mortgage fraud

69. The FDA is now regulating tobacco

70. Ended previous policy of cutting the FDA and circumventing FDA rules

71. Ended previous practice of having White House aides rewrite scientific and environmental rules, regulations, and reports

72. Authorized discussions with North Korea and private mission by Pres. Bill Clinton to secure the release of two Americans held in prisons

73. Authorized discussions with Myanmar and mission by Sen. Jim Web to secure the release of an American held captive

74. Making more loans available to small businesses

75. Established independent commission to make recommendations on slowing the costs of Medicare

76. Appointment of first Latina to the Supreme Court

77. Authorized construction/opening of additional health centers to care for veterans

78. Limited salaries of senior White House aides; cut to $100,000

79. Renewed loan guarantees for Israel

80. Changed the failing/status quo military command in Afghanistan

81. Deployed additional troops to Afghanistan

82. New Afghan War policy that limits aerial bombing and prioritizes aid, development of infrastructure, diplomacy, and good government practices by Afghans

83. Announced the long-term development of a national energy grid with renewable sources and cleaner, efficient energy production

84. Returned money authorized for refurbishment of White House offices and private living quarters

85. Paid for redecoration of White House living quarters out of his own pocket

86. Held first Seder in White House

87. Attempting to reform the nation's healthcare system which is the most expensive in the world yet leaves almost 50 million without health insurance and millions more under insured

88. Has put the ball in play for comprehensive immigration reform

89. Has announced his intention to push for energy reform

90. Has announced his intention to push for education reform

Oh, and he built a swing set for the girls outside the Oval Office!

Robert P. Watson, Ph.D.Coordinator of American Studies
Lynn University"


Sunday, December 27, 2009

Martin Luther King Day Parade

If you would like to march in the Martin Luther King Day Parade on January 18 with the alamObama group, please email

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Volunteer with Organizing for America

(posted on behalf of Michael Apodoca,
Deputy Field Director of Organizing for America in San Antonio)

The last two weeks in San Antonio have been phenomenal. Over these few days, San Antonians have made over 1600 calls to people in Arkansas and to people locally to build a stronger volunteer base. This is great!

Many of you have helped us out the last two weekends, attended our open house, or have told us that you can help us out in the future. In January, Organizing for America will hit full gear building the organization to help move the President's agenda forward.

Over the holidays, I want to hear from you. Can you take a moment to fill out this survey? I would like to know where you can help us, what you would like to see OFA do in 2010, and what you can bring to the table to move us forward.

Again I want to thank you for your time and effort. if you have any further questions, feel free to contact me at or 210-237-6767.

Thank you and I hope you have a merry and safe holiday season!

Michael Apodaca
Deputy Field Director
Organizing for America

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

OFA Phone Banks on Health Care

This is the home stretch. OFA is holding phone banks that target voters in states with fence-straddling Democratic senators to help get us the 60 votes to stop the Republican filibuster.
Saturday, December 12, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. and 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, December 19, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. and 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.
SAAPAC Office, 7122 San Pedro, Suite 114

Sunday, December 6, 2009

OFA Open House & Volunteer Training

Tuesday, December 8, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. SAAPAC Office, 7122 San Pedro Suite 114
Organizing for America welcomes you to join us at the SAAPAC office to meet our new Deputy Field Director
Michael Apodaca and learn how to get involved with OFA in the last weeks of the Health Insurance Reform debate and in 2010. Sign up on MyBO at:

Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday, September 7, 2009

SAAPAC to Show President Obama's Speech Tuesday Evening

Please spread this news! The San Antonio Area Progressive Action Coalition (SAAPAC) invites all students and parents, as well as the general public, to view President Obama's address to America's students at its office Tuesday evening, September 8, at 7:00 p.m. 7122 San Pedro Ave, Suite 114 (in the San Pedro Towne Center, in back, facing the Kaplan Career Institute). A discussion will follow the speech, which is expected to last 15-20 minutes.

NEBCD Labor Day Picnic and Rally to Support President Obama

A great turnout at MacArthur County Park for the Northeast Bexar County Democrats Labor Day Picnic and Rally to support the viewing of President Obama's speech to students in our schools. The rally was covered by several English and Spanish language TV stations, and speeches were given by Carla Vela, Bexar County Democratic Party Chair, and Scott Simpson, President of the NEBCD.

Among the many in attendance were 2008 alamObama campaign co-coordinators Judy Hall and Fred Tawil, Lainey Melnick, candidate for US House of Representatives District 21, John Courage, candidate for Texas Senate District 25, and many candidates for countywide offices. View photos at this Facebook public link: - Video of rally below.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

NEBCD Rally to Support President Obama and Labor Day Picnic

Monday, September 7,
11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
MacArthur County Park, Pavillion #4
1611 NE Loop 410 (westbound access road between Harry Wurzbach and Nacogdoches)

Honoring Labor, AFL-CIO, and TSTA, with special recognition for Bob Salvator and Connie DeLuna.

A rally for the broadcast of President Obama's Tuesday address to schoolchildren will be held at 12:00 High Noon as part of the festivities.

· Enjoy Ice Cold Sodas, Iced Tea, Hot Dogs, Beans, Chili, and Chips
· Hear from Democratic Party Elected Officials and Candidates
· Meet People and Join the Democratic Cause
· Everyone is Welcome to Come and Have Fun in the Sun (or Shade)!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Banning the President's Speech to Kids

Most school districts in the San Antonio area have forbidden teachers to show the President's speech to students in their classrooms next Tuesday morning, September 8. Only Edgewood ISD has had the courage to considers this an educational event and not a political one. We believe that political decisions should be made by elected representatives. Therefore, we urge citizens to contact their elected representatives, members of the various school boards, to express their dismay over the banning of the President's speech. The board members work for US, the voters, and the school administrators, who made these decisions, work for them. We should remind our elected representatives that they are the ones who are supposed to make political decisions that are subject to approval or disapproval by US, the voters. They should not abandon this responsibility to the superintendents, who are, after all, just the people they hire to run the schools. Here are links to the board web pages of some of the largest districts in the SA area:

San Antonio ISD:
(put the burden on teachers, allowing to show the speech but only if they have parent permission, and they have to provide an alternative lesson to any student withouth permission)

Northside ISD:
(banned all teachers from showing the speech)

North East ISD:
(banned all teachers from showing the speech)

Judson ISD: (no information posted)

Scherz Cibolo Universal City ISD: (is showing the speech later in the school day, with parents allowed to prevent their kids from watching it)

Harlandale ISD:
(the superintendent's statement is a broken link)

Edgewood ISD: (allowing the speech to be shown in Social Studies classes- YEAH! Call to congratulate them!!!!)

South San Antonio ISD: (no information posted)

Fort Sam Houston ISD: (banned all teachers from showing the speech)

Comal ISD: (banned all teachers from showing the speech)

New Braunfels ISD: (will not show the speech, but will broadcast it on their cable TV channel at 7 p.m.)

Boerne ISD: (will not show the speech live, but teachers may show it later if curriculum appropriate, with parents allowed to opt their kids out of viewing it)

If your own children are prevented from viewing the speech live at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, watch it with them after school at

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Encourage Ciro Rodrígeuz to Support the Public Option!

Angie Drake wrote Sunday morning 8/30: " Just heard that in an interview on the Sunday morning shows here in SA that Ciro Rodriguez waffled - he supports reform but does not support a public option. We need to write letters to the editor ( and send a copy of letter to Ciro at link below."

My 2c worth: We still need to convince Ciro that he should be listening to his supporters - those who will vote for him and/or work on his re-election campaign - more than to the negative people who will never support him under any circumstances. A useful alternative to email is to phone Ciro's local office at (210) 561-9421; they are literally counting the calls for and against, and right now we are *losing* that poll!

Lloyd Doggett on Health Care Reform 8/29

Congressman Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) spoke on health care reform to the Real Voices for Change Forum in Austin, Texas, Saturday, August 29, 2009. The forum was presented by, Organizing for America, the Travis County Democratic Party, Gray Panthers, and Health Care for All Texas. At the end of the speech, his constituents staged a mini-demonstration to express their gratitude for Mr. Doggett's support of REAL health care reform!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Impressions of the Austin Health Care Rally

posted by Joel Mayer

Rally for Health Care Reform at the State Capitol in Austin

I attended the Rally for Health Care Reform in Austin today along with other San Antonians from alamObama, MoveOn, SAAPAC, and OFA. There were about 250-300 supporters from around the state gathered on the Capitol steps at 1:00 p.m. and we were confronted by about 150-200 tea baggers and secessionists. There was lively chanting on both sides, and eventually a cordon of state troopers took up a position between the Pros and Contras, who were only about 5 feet apart. When we started to sing patriotic songs, the Contras continued to taunt us, which shouldn't have surprised me since so many of them seem to want to take us out of the USA anyway. The Capitol rally continued in this vein until about 2 o'clock, when we headed over to the Methodist Church for a forum on health care sponsored by MoveOn and Organizing for America.

I have to criticize Organizing for America, since they took over the event and did not respect the sign-ups made on either the myBO or MoveOn web sites and decided to just let everyone in on a first come first serve basis. This meant that many people who had endured the heat to stand up to the tea baggers were excluded from this forum, even though they had signed up and made the extra effort to arrive early for the Capitol rally. When I had grass roots training from DFA last summer, they taught us that the first rule when recruiting volunteers is to show them respect and make them feel needed. OFA clearly has never learned this rule, since they treated the volunteers who literally sweated the most with no respect at all. After putting up with the heat, the taunting, and even the personal insults (I was called a "traitor" by one tea bagger), everyone at the Capitol should have been given a special pass to walk in and take a place of honor in the front of the church! I was one of those excluded, but managed to wangle my way in only through the efforts of Karen Newton of OFA San Antonio, who made an effort to get them to let me in to take the seat she had saved for me.

The positive side of all this is that there were a couple of thousand people who wanted to attend this forum, even though the church only had room for 1,200. Among the speakers was Congressman Lloyd Doggett of Austin, who reiterated his support for a Public Option in health care reform and his defiance of tea baggers and secessionists, for which he received a standing ovation!

We Can't Afford to Wait Vigil for Health Care

posted on behalf of

Wednesday, September 2, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m., in front of the Alamo

"We're organizing "We can't afford to wait" vigils nationwide just days before members of Congress return to Washington, to make sure they know that an overwhelming majority of voters are counting on them to act quickly to pass health care reform.

"Our vigils will put a human face on the urgent need for bold health care reform with a real public health insurance option. We'll deliver an unmistakable message to the media and members of Congress: We can't afford to wait: Public Option NOW!"

Friday, August 28, 2009


posted on behalf of Zada True-Courage of SAAPAC

We had a change in plans. Tea Partiers are coming to crash Austin Capitol Rally at 1PM so we need all hands on deck. New Plans:

Meet at SAAPAC at 11AM and take off at 11:15. Do capital steps rally and then over to Church.

SAAPAC Office: 7122 San Pedro, Suite 114 - San Pedro Towne Center, in the back, facing the Kaplan Career Institute. John (Courage) is leading troops as I have to go up earlier for a TDP meeting.

For event details, other than the time, view Zada's earlier post:

Monday, August 24, 2009

Austin Rally Aug 29 NOT CANCELLED

posted by Joel Mayer

An e-mail was sent today to many people who signed up for the Austin Health Care Rally next Saturday, August 29, informing them that the event had been cancelled. This was NOT TRUE. Zada True-Courage and Angie Drake CONFIRM that the event is taking place as planned. Check out the earlier post by MoveOn with information about the rally and about caravaning from the SAAPAC Office to Austin next Saturday!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Northside Rally for Health Care Aug 22

A large group of advocates for Health Care Reform turned up Saturday at the Northiside office of Congressman Ciro Rodríguez. The rally was organized by the San Antonio for Barack Obama Facebook group, alamObama, MoveOn, and the Northwest Democrats.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Bus to Charlie Gonzalez' Town Hall Meeting

Invitation Posted on behalf of Neighborhood 1st Alliance:

Neighborhood 1st Alliance has a bus for those who wish to commute to Charlie Gonzalez' Town Hall Meeting. Please gather at the Claude Black Center 2805 E. Commerce. For more information please call: Kim Sanders 533-1622, Joyce McCoullough 333-6234, or TC Calvert at 226-9041.

Southside Health Care Rally August 22

Rally at the Southside office of Congressman Ciro Rodríguez

Friday, August 21, 2009

Update on the Charlie Gonzalez Town Hall 8/24

(posted on behalf of MoveOn Council San Antonio and LaFe Policy Research and Education Center)

Just returned from a meeting at La Fe Policy Research and Education Center with several community members. These are the "rules" being put out by the Gonzales' office and some items we discussed at the meeting:

Town Hall format:

Question will be taken by raffle process for taking questions (pro, concerns, question on health care reform box)
Seating will be based on first come first serve
Doors open at 6:30pm
Posters will not be accepted inside, t-shirts and button, stickers are ok
There will be lots of security inside and outside the venue
The venue holds 1500 people

Outreach & Attendance Strategy

We identified we can bring 200-300 people out (organizations attending)
Try to get members to location at 5pm
Rally to precede town hall around 5:30pm
Asking orgs to bring water and snack for people in hot weather
Tables, ice, icebox
La Fe will create leaflet why Health Care Can’t Wait.
Debbie and Amy are thinking of creating iron on for white t-shirts for those who would like one, bring early on Monday or let us know,

Press Conference for Health Care Reform by Gonzalez Offices including Sen.Van de Putte and Rep. Villarreal
Tues 8/24 @ 10:30am – location is being solidified
Press conference will discuss why HCR is needed
Looking for good stories for press conference
Would like strong support in the background and stand together for health care reform

Congressman Gonzalez will be on Kens 5 Sunday morning show..

Amy Casso, Policy Analyst, MPA
La Fe Policy Research & Education Center
1313 Guadalupe, ste 102
San Antonio, TX 78207

Big Health Care Rally in Austin August 29

(posted on behalf of Zada True-Courage)

Ok, here s the deal. There’s BIG Healthcare Rally planned for Saturday 8/29 in Austin. Lloyd Doggett, one of the Good Guys who’s promised to hold out for the Public Option will be there along with John Cornyn (or that’s the rumor anyway).

I know we’re having rallies next week but I think it’s important for as many people as possible to converge on Austin on 8/29 for this event. We need the masses to show WE WANT A PUBLIC OPTION!!!

So who’s up for meeting at the SAAPAC Headquarters at 1PM and taking off at 1:15. We can decorate our cars (if we want to do that we’d better meet at noon) and mosey on up there and meet up with others?

If you want to car pool or caravan to Austin: do these TWO things

Click on this link and sign up:

And: Send me an e-mail and tell me you want to car-pool or caravan. Be sure I can reach you. Let me know if you can drive or need a ride and if you want to decorate your car. My e-mail is:

From: []
On Behalf Of JC Dufresne
Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2009 10:14 PM
To: JC Dufresne

I'm forwarding this to you so that if you're not a MoveOn member but you are interested in Health Care Reform you can participate in the biggest action yet.

Dear Central Texas MoveOn Members,

The Dallas MoveOn Council has requested that all Central Texas MoveOn members join them in Austin, Texas on Saturday, August 29th, at the First United Methodist Church, 1201 Lavaca, Austin, TX, at 3 pm, for a demonstration of solidarity between MoveOn Councils and other progressive organizations in Texas on the issue of healthcare. Tickets are limited to
550 so please sign up here as soon as possible:

The Austin MoveOn Council, under the leadership of Dan Piper and a team of MoveOn members, is working very hard to make this event honor our commitment to grassroots organization and to the importance of passing R.E.A.L. Healthcare Reform when Congress returns to Washington in September. They are selecting speakers and finalizing the agenda this coming week.

Besides getting as many of you as possible into this 1,200 seat venue - the most important goal is to get as much Media to the event as well. For that reason, we are asking the Media Team of each Council to distribute an edited Press Release to their local media contacts as soon as it is available and to follow-up with greater urgency than ever before. We must begin to frame the issue in our terms - we have the moral high ground! All Media Team Coordinators will coordinate with the Austin Media Team. That contact person will be designated this week. In the meantime - please refer to Luisa Handem at Luisa will be editing the Press Release as soon as final details are nailed down.

The Dallas MoveOn Council is hosting a Candlelight Vigil that same evening either on the steps of the Capitol or in front of the Capitol, in honor of those who die every year without healthcare and the 55 million people who have no health insurance. There will be a separate event posting for that.

Please sign up today for this event and plan to come to Austin. Seating is limited for our Councils:

Your contact for all seating questions will be Jacque Cotrell, She has created a Google Doc where she will be tracking all Councils and their registrations for this event.

Thank you for your help,
Austin MoveOn Council

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Town Hall Meeting with Congressman Charlie Gonzalez

Monday, August 24, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Edgewood ISD Theatre of Performing Arts
607 SW 34th Street
Come out and encourage Charlie to support President Obama!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Health Care Rallies Sat August 22

posted by Joel Mayer

It is time to rally for Health Care for All - either a Public Option or Medicare for All (HB 676) - to remind President Obama why we elected him and about "Change You Can Believe In." Both rallies will be outside the local offices of Congressman Ciro Rodriguez, whom we also need to encourage to support health care reform, this Saturday, August 22, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Please RSVP at one of these event pages:

Southside - 1313 SE Military Drive

Northside - 6363 De Zavala Rd

Please bring a hat and water, and bring your own signs. Be friendly and avoid confrontation with the Contras (Tea Party activists). I look forward to meeting those of you who attend the Southside rally.

If not on Facebook, use this sign-up on MyBO: (this is for the Southside rally, but indicate in your RSVP if your are going to the one on De Zavala.)

Joel Mayer

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Most Important 36 Minutes You Will Ever Spend

posted by Brenda Johnson

Please take 36 minutes and watch this Bill Moyers interview with former Cigna VP Wendell Potter which aired July 10th. He predicted much of what you're seeing in the fight against the public option because he helped write the strategy while still an industry insider. After a 20-year career as a corporate public relations executive, last year he left his job as head of communications for one of the nation's largest health insurers to try his hand at helping socially responsible organizations — including those advocating for meaningful health care reform — achieve their goals. Why has he switched sides? He tells you about his "ah-ha" moment in the interview...the event that put faces to the un/underinsured for him. This is the most insightful and informative piece I have seen about health care reform to date. Please watch and share.

Bill Moyers Journal . Watch & Listen | PBS

Make sure you read "Wendell Potter on Profits Before Patients"

Friday, August 14, 2009

Health Care Rally August 14

posted by Joel Mayer
The Health Care Reform rally was held outside the Northside office of Congressman Ciro Rodríguez, 6363 De Zavala Rd. The Pro-Health Care participants included members of the Bexar County Democratic Party, MoveOn, alamObama, and the Communist Party. As you can see, this issue brings together a broad spectrum of political opinion! The small group of Contras appeared to be from SA Tea Party Activists. As our congressmen are home this month, there will be other similar events in the coming weeks - come out and join us! Special commendation to the San Antonio Police Department, which maintained a discreet presence that kept everything calm.

photos: alamObamans Tina Wheat, Joel Mayer, & Frank Elizondo

To keep up with Pro-Obama events, join the "San Antonio for Barack Obama" Facebook group:

View the complete photo album of this event!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Democracy for America Public Option Ad

(posted by Joel Mayer)
DFA, founded by Dr. Howard Dean, has created this TV ad targeting Democratic Senators who accept huge amounts of campaign contributions from insurance companies.
Click the image below to add your name to the TV ad and/or contribute to buying it more air time.

Health Care Rally July 28

(posted by Joel Mayer)
I attended the rally for a public option in health care reform legislation on July 28. The rally was organized by labor unions and neighborhood organizations, and supported by, and other progressive groups. After holding signs on SE Military Drive outside Congressman Ciro Rodriguez' office, we met with a member of Ciro's staff inside the office to make the case for a strong public option. Photos of the event can be seen at:

Remain Active to Support President Obama

In the San Antonio, there are a number of organizations that are working, directly or indirectly, to support President Obama in his quest to provide adequate health care for all and a safer environment. Use these links to stay involved!

Monday, July 6, 2009

July 5 - Weekly Roundup

Health Care Rally

We've petitioned. We've called. We've faxed. We've dropped off fliers. Now, the health care fight is really heating up in the Senate, and some Democrats are trying to bargain away the heart of President Obama's health care plan—a strong public health insurance option. We need to escalate our campaign for real health care reform. On Thursday, July 9th, MoveOn is organizing nationwide "Public Option Now!" Health Care Rallies to send a strong message to every senator: Health care reform must include a strong public health insurance option. We're teaming up with Move On to rally four counties to drop off petitons to Senator Hutchison. Meet folks from Bexar, Comal, Guadalupe and Kerrville Counties in Senator Hutchison's parking lot. Then caravan on to Senator Cornyn's office (arival estimated about 1 PM ) at 600 Navarro, Suite 120 . Sign up at now to get more information about signs and other coordinating information as we get closer to the event. If you're in Kerr County or the Boerne area and would like to get on the bus, please email

Legislative Town Hall Postponed

As we began to work out some of the details, it became apparent that the special session that was called by Governor Perry made promotion of the event difficult. We were concerned that the legislative business could possibly extend into the following week and make attendance impossible. At the same time, the 4th of July weekend made it extremely hard to ensure that we could properly promote the event in order to make it worthwhile for those in attendance and our guests for the evening. Now there are also some conflicts with legislative schedules. For these reasons, the legislative town hall scheduled for July 9 has been postponed. AlamObama will hold its regularly scheduled meeting at the SAAPAC office Thursday at 6:30.

Bank On Health

Thanks to all who participated. We had a number of volunteers who came to help, give blood and donate food. A slide show of the event is on our site at

Housekeeping Notes

We're at the SAAPAC office every Tuesday and Thursday, but we've changed our hours to 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. , 7122 San Pedro, Ste 114 . More volunteers mean more hours.

White House

The President recounts America's great history of overcoming seemingly insurmountable challenges, and pledges to lead America in continuing that tradition; takes questions on health reform directly from Americans across the country in an online town hall; and First Lady helps pack 15,000 backpacks full of books, healthy snacks, Frisbees and other items for the children of our servicemen and women. The "IT Dashboard" will give you unprecedented access and opportunity for feedback on how your tax dollars are being spent. All this and more at


Texas Legislature Wraps Up Special Session

Legislators wrapped things up in two days approving $2 billion in highway bonds, extending five state agencies' operations but nixing public/private toll roads despite calls from the Governor. Summary at

Solar San Antonio Workshop

Join solar stakeholders from across the City of San Antonio for a "Solar 102" workshop at the Bright Shawl on July 17th, 2009 at 8:00 am . Hear from solar experts as we discuss solar installation, solar sizing, solar certification, solar hot water, and solar financing through CPS's new STEP Program. Attendees will receive information about local solar installers, have the opportunity to network with solar industry leaders, learn about career options in solar, and discover where solar is headed in San Antonio. Solar San Antonio invites you to a workshop on how to become part of the solar energy revolution emerging in San Antonio . You may register for this event at:

CPS to Discuss Nuclear Options with District 4 Residents

Monday, CPS Energy rolled out its cost projections of its nuclear project along with its examination of alternate power sources to meet the city's expected energy shortfall. It means $5 billion + for the public utility's share of the $10 to $13 billion price tag for the two Bay City facilities. This launches a public discussion lasting the summer into fall inviting public weigh in on the issue. Utility officials say that means a rate increase. Read more here
Monday July 6, 6-8pm , 9093 SW Loop 410, Christa McAuliffe Middle School. CPS Energy will discuss nuclear power. Doors open at 5pm register to speak and ask questions priority to district 4 residents.

Bexar County Candidate Petition-Signing Party

Your Democratic candidates need your support, and all you have to do is sign your name.
Candidates require signatures from several hundred registered voters to place their name on the 2010 Primary ballot. The Bexar County Democratic Party will host 3 Petition-Signing Parties, the first which will be in the northwest area at the Firefighter's Hall. Come any time between 5:30pm and 8:30pm on Thursday, July 16. If the northwest area is not convenient, plans are for an event in August on the south side and in September on the northeast side. More details to follow. Please come support your Democratic candidates, and meet your current and future elected officials. Bring your family and friends. If you tell us that you're coming, we will pre-print your petition information and save you time. You can skip the label-printing line and go directly to the candidates and their petitions. RSVP at the BCDP office 210 785-0962 or email

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Monday, June 29, 2009

Texas Democrats on the Clean Energy and Security Act

posted by Joel Mayer

This is how Texas Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives voted on President Obama's Clean Energy and Security Act on June 26, 2009. Names in bold face represent Bexar County.

For: Henry Cuellar, Lloyd Doggett, Charlie González, Al Green, Gene Green, Ruben Hinojosa, Eddie Bernice Johnson, Sheila Jackson Lee, Silvestre Reyes
Against: Chet Edwards, Solomon Ortiz, Ciro Rodríguez

To contact a Representative to express your approval or disapproval of this vote, phone:

Cuellar: Local: (210)271-2851 DC: (202) 225-1640
González: Local: (210)472-6195, DC: (202)225-3236
Rodríguez: Local: Northside (210) 561-9421 , Southside (210) 922-1874, DC: (202) 225-4511

For background information, read the

Friday, June 26, 2009

June 26 - Weekly Rounup

Clean Energy Bill Vote Goes to House Vote

The U.S. House of Representatives will vote on the most unprecedented clean energy and climate legislation in our nation's history Friday. The list of national groups that are calling on congressional leaders to strengthen the clean energy jobs bill is impressive: MoveOn, rePower America, 1Sky, ACORN, Democracia Ahora, Environment America, Green For All, Health Care Without Harm, Oxfam, Rock the Vote, the Sierra Club, and USAction. They’re asking Congress to stand up for three key changes to the latest version of the energy bill: Ensure more clean energy for America: Require power companies to produce more clean energy. Wind and solar create more than twice as many jobs as coal and oil. Hold polluters accountable: Restore President Obama's current authority through the EPA to crack down on global warming pollution from power plants. Create more clean energy jobs for America and build resiliency to climate change: Reduce giveaways to polluting industries in order to bolster green job development and protect vulnerable communities. Critics say the Waxman/Markey American Clean Energy and Security Act has been weakened by special interests and will be weakened further as it goes to the Senate. Reverse the process; join the efforts of one or more of the abovementioned groups. There are a number of local groups engaged as well. We’ll have more information in coming days at our website

Bank On Health

Saturday, June 27, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM, as part of the President’s National Day of Service at San Antonio Towne Center parking lot, SAAPAC Headquarters, 7122 San Pedro. Come make a "deposit" in both the food bank and the blood bank. We told both the San Antonio Food Bank and the South Texas Blood and Tissue Center that alamObama cares about the world in which we live and thus the reason for our existence. So, they’re parking their vehicles at the SAAPAC office and taking us at our word.

Food Facts: Texas is the most food insecure state in the nation. Defined, food insecurity is when you are so limited in resources to buy food that you are running out of food, reducing the quality of food that your family eats, feeding your children unbalanced diets, or skipping meals so your children can eat. We have details on most needed items for the SA Food Bank at our website, The truck holds 8,000 pounds of food. Let’s fill the truck!

Blood Facts: In order to meet hospital demands, the South Texas Blood & Tissue Center must collect at least 600 units of blood each day to service 100 hospitals in 43 South Texas counties. Sixty percent of the U.S. population is eligible to donate blood, however, only five percent do. Blood donation takes four steps: medical history, quick physical, donation, and snacks. The actual blood collection takes approximately 10-20 minutes. The entire process, from when you sign in to the time you leave, takes about 45 minutes to one hour. Please sign up today at and in the comments section, tell us if you wish to donate blood, donate food or be a volunteer to help on the 27th. Or just contact us at

State Legislative Town Hall

For our regularly scheduled alamObama meeting we’re holding a State Legislative Town Hall , July 9, 6:30 – 8:30 at the San Antonio Library Auditorium. The entire Bexar County delegation has been invited. So far Senator Van De Putte and Representatives Castro, Menendez, Villareal and Martinez Fischer have agreed to attend. Senator Zaffirini, and Representatives McClendon Jones and Corte have other engagements. We are following up with the rest to see who will attend. Of course, the Special Legislative Session has been called for July 1 but is expected to be kept to a few days. Should the session go longer, we’ll have to postpone or cancel. Go to to sign up. The auditorium only holds 140 so you’ll need to reserve your spot quick.

Housekeeping Notes

We’re at the SAAPAC office every Tuesday and Thursday, 1 PM to 5PM , 7122 San Pedro, Ste 114 . More volunteers mean more hours.

White House

This week the President: answered questions and concerns from health care stakeholders more thoroughly than ever before in a prime time health care reform event; discussed Iran during the opening remarks of his Press Conference, watch the video with Persian captions, or read translations in Persian and Arabic; and announced United We Serve -- a call to action for all Americans to volunteer this summer and be part of building a new foundation for our country, one community at a time. Also watch an amazing video of green jobs in action, lowering energy bills and rejuvenating the economy. That and much more at Tammy Duckworth discusses a new coordinated effort to aid homeless veterans, and ultimately eliminate homelessness in our country and Van Jones, Special Advisor for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation at the White House Council on Environmental Quality, hosted a live chat to discuss green jobs, taking questions from Facebook as well as All this and more at


Senator Spector Shifts on Public Option

Senator Arlen Specter told union activists he supports a public option in health care reform. That’s a shift from his position a few months ago. Of course he’s also facing a 17 year low in popularity right now. Read more and

United We Serve
Today, the Obama family worked with volunteers to fill backpacks for children whose parents are currently deployed in
Iraq and Afghanistan as part of the United We Serve project. He also mentioned a new website,, where you can go and find or list volunteering opportunities in your community. Let's begin by filling the Food Bank truck this Saturday!

Health Care Reform

Current polls show 72% of Americans want the real health care reform only a public option can produce. Earlier this week, Senators Dick Durbin, Patrick Leahy and Charles Schumer started a Citizen's Petition to demonstrate enough support to hopefully give some of their peers the spine to back what we the people want. Please sign the petition and pass it on to as many interested friends as possible. This petition could use several million signatures ASAP.

Thank you for supporting this important effort.

-Stand with the President; go to the Health Care Action Center for more

-At get an exhaustive trove of administrative information on health care and reform

-The Kaiser Family Foundation has provided a tool that provides a side by side comparison of major health care reform proposals


Congress On Your Corner

Congressman Ciro Rodriguez constituents can join the Congressman for Congress On Your Corner Saturday, June 27 at the Wildfire Coffee Roasters coffee house, 15502 Huebner Road in San Antonio from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm. Mobile office hours Tuesday, June 30th at El Progreso Memorial Library, 301 W. Main in Uvalde from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

Southside Democratic Club

Message from Katrina De Los Santos :

I am writing to inquire if you all are interested in joining a new Democratic Club on the SouthSide of San Antonio? We are in the process of forming a new club that will support those causes and issues that are important to us on the SouthSide (we will vote on a name later). Once we become a viable club we will support those running for local, state, and national Democratic offices. We will ask those leaders to do all that they promised during their run for election and bring positive recognition to the SouthSide. If you are interested, please reply to this Email with your name, address, telephone number and Email address. If you know anyone who may be interested, please feel free to contact me at

SAAPAC Fundraiser

Groups are meeting and talking at San Antonio Progressive Area Coalition, 7122 San Pedro. AlamObama is just one of many groups taking advantage of this space. But SAAPAC needs funds to operate. So let’s join them in their fundraiser Tuesday, June 30, 2009 , 5:30 - 10 pm at Big Kahuna Restaurant, 741 W. Ashby Place (across from SA Little Theater). Go to to get details on the fundraiser, make a donation to SAAPAC if you can’t attend, and find an activity that may interest you on their events calendar.


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